Best front-end languages for web development

 HTML, CSS and Javascript are front-end languages that help to build a website and web app. You can turn your text into links, tables, images, style a button and navigation menu, create animation, make your static pages into a dynamic one. 

Now there are more options available to you that make development easier and more professional.

Some front-end languages that every developer should know


HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is made up of elements that are used to structure documents, alter material on pages, and present it. It separates a page into sections such as the header, footer, and sidebar to show material, photos, and embed videos.


CSS [Cascading style sheet] used to design the HTML document - the layout and responsive behavior. CSS determines how content would look like on web pages. it looks for font, color, size, spacing, background and much more. It has many features that make CSS interactive and challenging.


Javascript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex things. It is also called a dynamic client-side scripting language. 

Javascript works with variables, strings, numbers, arrays and building blocks such as conditional statements, loops, functions and events.

Modern Javascript is more advanced, it can execute in the browser and also on the server.


Sass (Syntax Awesome Style Sheets) is a pre-processor scripting language. Sass lets you use features like variables, nesting, mixins, inheritance and others that make writing CSS fun.


Less (Leaner Style Sheets) is a backward compatible language extension for CSS. Less resembles SCSS in its syntax and uses Javascript. Less allows real-time compilation via less.js by the browser.


Stylus is a dynamic stylesheet pre-processor language that supporting both an indented syntax and regular CSS. Using the Stylus, you can omit colons, symbols and brackets or use them as you like. It is flexible, cleaner and has many features.


TypeScript is a language for application-scale Javascript. Typescript adds optional types to Javascript that support tools for large-scale Javascript applications for any browser.

TypeScript offers all of Javascript's features and it can highlight unexpected behavior in code, lowering the chance of bugs.


CoffeeScript is a programming language that compiles to Javascript. It is just a Javascript that exposes the good parts in a simple way. In the new version of CoffeeScript produces modern Javascript Syntax (ES6 or ES2015 and later), async functions and JSX.


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